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The Addict In Us All

This year at Hope For Addiction we organised two weekend retreats for men and woman who receive support through our ministry. As well as the social aspect of our time together, it was a real blessing to run three sessions based on some resources available on the BCUK website. These resources were from a BCUK conference in 2016, titled ‘The Addict In Us All’ and were divided into three helpful talks about understanding addiction, overcoming addiction and being addicted to grace.

Not only did these talks provide a solid mooring for understanding the bible and addiction but they also serve as a sobering reminder that the addiction problem is the human problem and is not exclusive to a small group of people in the church.  As Ed Welch highlights in his book Addictions: A Banquet In The Grave;

We all know what it is like to do battle with unruly desires that won’t take ‘no’ for an answer! The addiction experience is the human experience.

Why not take some time over the summer to watch and reflect on these resources to help understand addiction in all its forms.


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