Office: 0141 222 2920


There are several ways you can connect with us at Hope for Addiction UK.

News Updates

Since our ministry began, we have produced quarterly Newsletters. This is an opportunity to provide up-to-date news and prayer requests. More recently we have moved to a digital form of updating our supporters. If you would like to receive regular updates, please sign up using this link.  

Hope for Glasgow Presentations

We would love to build Gospel partnerships with local churches as we believe the local church is central to addressing the addiction issues within our city. We would welcome an opportunity to present the work of Hope for Glasgow to your congregation. This occasion would give us a chance to talk specifically about Hope for Glasgow, what we are trying to do and how we can deepen our partnership. This would be appropriate for a congregational prayer meeting, mission evening or some other gathering. We would be delighted to come and share with you further. A typical presentation would last around 40 minutes with opportunity for questions. If this would be of interest to you, please contact Nicki to arrange a suitable date.


There are various ways in which you could serve the ministry of Hope for Glasgow. Whether it’s helping out in the office, serving at our Festive Meals or some other area, we would like to hear from you.

Our work involves supporting vulnerable adults so potential volunteers must go through the following process:

  • Download and return the Volunteer Application Form
  • Attend an informal interview.
  • Undergo Disclosure Scotland/Protection of Vulnerable Groups Checks.