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This Is The Day

In our modern world it can be hard to live one day at a time. We’re encouraged to look ahead in our jobs, anticipate the latest upgrade, plan the next holiday, and save for retirement. Whilst many of these opportunities open up for people who become clean and sober, living one day at a time remains…

The Genesis of Addiction

At Hope for Glasgow, we see the Bible as central to understanding the life of addiction. You may well ask: What on earth would an ancient book have to say to the person whose life is caught up in lies, unruly desires, hiding, covering up, blame-shifting, destructive consequences, and misery? Well, we don’t have to…

Make A Promising Start to 2024

Sometimes we say that ‘money makes the world go round’ but it’s perhaps more accurate to say that it’s a ‘promise that makes the world go round,’ for it’s the promise on the bank note, taken in trust that makes the economy work. Promises have also played a role in recovery. AA’s famous twelve promises…

Dealing With The Devil

At Hope For Glasgow one of our regular readings is called ‘Engaging In The Battle.’ It reminds us that the Christian life is an ongoing battle and a fight. That change is a process and not simply an event. As we Engage In The Battle in recovery, it’s helpful to be aware of the enemy’s…

Myth Busters

In May this year the United Kingdom marked the 80th anniversary of the famous dam busters mission which took place during World War 2. Although initially the effects of the effort were downplayed, in the years following, it became clear just how significant Operation Chastise was. The historian James Holland, brother of podcasting superstar Tom…

Lot’s Descent

Sometimes in life we may be told to accept our lot! Usually this is said when we want to change the unchangeable or if we’re daydreaming about our lives, wishing we were somewhere else, doing other things with greater recognition and success. A big part of recovery (and of life) is learning to manage expectations…