Office: 0141 222 2920


Lot’s Descent

Sometimes in life we may be told to accept our lot! Usually this is said when we want to change the unchangeable or if we’re daydreaming about our lives, wishing we were somewhere else, doing other things with greater recognition and success. A big part of recovery (and of life) is learning to manage expectations…

Killing an Addiction

In his helpful article, “The Mortification of Addictions,” Jeremy Pierre offers us a very insightful reading into the nature of addictions and how practically, we can go about killing them. He writes, Addictions always involve some idolatry of the heart that, when pursued repeatedly, conditions the soul and the body in such a way that…

Lead A Quiet Life

Make it your business to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to earn your own living, just as we told you before. (1 Thessalonians 4:11). I wonder when you last head a sermon with the title ‘lead a quiet life.’ In our world where we’re often looking for the bigger apple,…

Just for today

“If I can just get through today”, is a phrase we often hear, whether it be on the lips of the weary mum, the depressed student, or even the desperate dieter looking to shed a few pounds before that summer holiday. Here at Hope for Glasgow we employ a similar sentiment of just getting through…

What does the bible have to do with addiction?

What does the bible have to do with addiction? This was the question asked of one of our service users whilst enjoying a meal with a friend. His answer was as succinct as it was humorous when he responded saying “apart from the issue jumping off every page…..nothing!” It’s a question we are sometimes asked…